How Long Distance Muscle Testing
Works For Your Health

There are so many options when it comes to taking care of your health. But, how do you choose? And more importantly, how do you know what is best for you? Your personal biochemistry, your stress levels, and your daily needs?

This is where muscle testing comes in. It is a specific approach to understanding your individual health situation that works with the natural, physiological reflexes of your body to pinpoint the priorities for your health.

A lot of people are already familiar with orthopedic muscle testing. The strength of the muscle itself is tested in that case. What I’m talking about here, though, is functional neurology muscle testing. While both forms of muscle testing look for involuntary responses, neurology muscle testing includes various stimuli: physical, auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, ideational, and many others.

Using muscle testing we can figure out together what your next steps should be.

Anything and everything touching your body, or simply being in your vicinity, has an impact on your entire system. Muscle testing allows me to see, which of these impacts your body sees as positive or negative.

Muscle responses are expressed differently from person to person. For one person, a strong response and a weak response can look surprisingly similar. For others, the difference is like night and day.

There are also different phases when it comes to muscle testing. At certain points I am looking for a “strengthening,” at others a “weakening.” What it means specifically depends on the phase of testing.

In some instances, such as with infants, I prefer to use surrogate muscle testing. This is where the parent holds the child and I test them via the parent’s arm.

When I perform remote, long distance muscle testing, I use my own arm to test for you, while speaking with you on the phone or a video call. Personally, for long distance muscle testing I  rest my lower left arm on my leg. That way, my arm is completely relaxed, and my elbow gives me your responses as if I were directly with you.

To explain long distance muscle testing thoroughly, we would have to go into quantum physics, string theory, and fMRIs. As that is a bit much to cover, I’ll explain some of the basics instead:

  • First, we need to understand that the space between us is not empty. You know this to be true from many different situations: You can feel when your partner’s energy shifts, even when they didn’t say a thing. Also, you can instinctively feel when you’re in a place that is good for you, or alternatively, a place you should leave quickly.
  • Secondly, we know that human emotions can directly affect the function of our cells, DNA, and healing. [1] These effects take place even across seemingly long distances.

One study looking at individuals in a state of coherence (generating feelings of love and appreciation) while holding the specific intention to wind or unwind a sample of DNA, were able to do so despite the distance between them. Just by using emotion and intention.

In another study by Elizabeth Targ, MD PhD, they studied the effects of distance healing on a group of terminally ill AIDS patients. [3] Forty religious and spiritual healers were each given an envelope with a patient’s photo/name/and helper T-cell count. Elaborate precautions were taken to ensure no one knew which patients were being treated, and the results were incredible!

The participants who were in the healing group had improved mood, significantly fewer doctors’ visits, fewer hospitalizations, fewer days spent in the hospital, improved helper T-cell counts, fewer new AIDS-defining illnesses, and significantly lower quantities of HIV virus in their systems. Bear in mind, these participants had no way of knowing if they were in the distance healing group or in the control group.

  • Thirdly, a major step has been taken forward in our understanding of what actually transpires in our bodies. The old model strongly holds to the idea that what takes place in our bodies strictly holds to the chemical/molecular concept. Let’s take a look at what else takes place!

The body certainly does use chemical/molecular pathways, but there is so much more!

Electromagnetic energy is one component. [4] Your heart, for example, has the strongest magnetic field of all the organs. In fact, your heart’s electromagnetic energy is around 5,000 times stronger than that of your brain. [5]

So in a study [6] by the Heart Math Institute, scientists found that volunteers trained in heart coherence techniques could actually induce coherence in test subjects… at a distance!

Fascinating, so distance healing must be more on the electromagnetic energy side, right?

Well, yes, but… not only.

One particular experiment [7] looked at whether healing can take place without electromagnetic energy. Spouses and close friends of cancer patients were asked to send healing intentions to the cancer patient who was sitting in a Faraday cage. The Faraday cage blocks out electromagnetic energy (much like the case of a car hit by lightning!). They were asked to send healing intentions in 10 second bursts, which were chosen by a computer at random.

The patients receiving healing, their skin conductance increased during the healing bursts. This indicates an activation of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, it was not electromagnetic energy causing the changes, as the Faraday cage eliminated that possibility.

But how could those healing instances have taken place?! Maybe it happened in a similar fashion such as when electrons have been observed to jump from one orbit to another, but without traveling through the space in-between, and without any time elapsing. [8]

Or maybe it’s akin to how light can be a particle or a wave. It varies how it shows up. We do know the studies designed to detect light as a wave always detect it as a wave. And the studies designed to detect light as a particle always detect it as a particle.  [9] [10]

What we also know for sure is that these seemingly miraculous events do take place.

So has science caught up to all that is available to us in the realm of true health? Certainly not. Can I tell you specifically by which means the distance muscle testing is taking effect? Not quite.

But the scientific method is doing its best to catch up to all the ancient wisdom and innate healing power that is available to us.

Why do I know this distance muscle testing works? Well, for one, I have proof with my patients everyday. And I was introduced to it when it was done on me very effectively over a decade ago.

Just as Aspirin was used for 100 years before anyone knew why it worked, long distance healing and muscle testing is now in the phase of “it works…”. After a while comes the phase of “and how does it work?”, which is when further studies abound.

Keep in mind, science is a methodology. Sometimes the unknown can’t be seen by the mind, because it can’t be comprehended yet. When the natives of North America were first confronted with Europeans, they could not see the massive ships the Europeans arrived on. It was so far outside of their realm of reality, their brains could not comprehend it, so they just could not see it. Not until a medicine man squinted, changed his perspective, could he see it. And once he did, quickly after that the others could see the ships, too. [11]

There are scientifically proven healing techniques that are based on functional neurology muscle testing. Some of these, such as Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), [12] BodyIntuitive, [13] and BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), [14] rely on muscle testing as well, in order for me (the practitioner) to find what your body needs. These techniques have been scientifically proven with both in person muscle testing as well as long distance muscle testing.

The incredible breadth and depth of what our bodies are, our human spirit and life overall, allow a multitude of different healing and analysis pathways. Remote Muscle Testing is a great, non-invasive option to get on the path of healing.

As Russell Targ, the cofounder of the cognitive-sciences program of the Stanford Research Institute said “We live in a nonlocal world where things physically separated from one another, can, nonetheless, be in instantaneous communication.”

Sources and References:

  1. Glen Rein, Ph.D., Mike Atkinson, and Rollin McCraty, M.A., “The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger,” Journal of Advancement in Medicine, vol 8, no. 2 (Summer 1995): pp. 87-103.
  2. McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Tomasino, D. (2003). Modulation of DNA conformation by heart-focused intention (p.6). Boulder Creek, CA: Institute of HeartMath.
  3. Sicher, F., Targ, E., Moore, D., II, & Smith H. S. (1998). A randomized double-blind study of the effect of distant healing in a population with advanced AIDS. Western Journal of Medicine, 168(6), 356.
  4. Institute of HeartMath. (2003). Emotional energetics, intuition and epigenetic research (p. 1). Boulder Creek, CA: Institute of HeartMath.
  5. Oschman, J. (2003). Energy medicine in therapeutics and human performance (p. 5). Boston, MA: Butterworth Heineman.
  6. Volunteers going into heart coherence were able to induce coherence in test subjects: Morris, S. M. (2010). Achieving collective coherence: Group effects on heart rate variability coherence and heart rhythm synchronization. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 16(4), 62-72.
  7. Radin, D., Stone, J., Levine, E., Eskandarnejad, S., Schlitz, M., Kozak, L., Mandel, D., & Hayssen, G. (2008). Compassionate intention as a therapeutic intention by partners of cancer patients: Effect of distant intention on the patients’ autonomic nervous system. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 4(4), 235.
  8. Goswami, The quantum doctor, 63.
  9. Ibid., 15; 16.
  10. McTaggart, L. (2007). The intention experiment: Using your thoughts to change your life and the world (p. xx). New York, NY: Free Press.
  11. Braden, G. (2007). The Divine Matrix: Bridging time, space, miracles, and belief (p. 99). Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.
  12. ONE Research Foundation
  13. Stuve, L., Honghu, Liu., Shen, J., Gianettoni, J., Galipo, J. (2015). Evaluation of BodyTalk, a novel mind-body medicine, for chronic pain treatment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 7(4), 279-290
  14. Rupert, Ronald L., and McKinzie, Cheryl L. et. al (2005). Treatment of Chronic Nonresponsive Patients with a Nonforce Technique. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 28(4), 259-264