Healing with Hive Intelligence

I was at a conference recently, and the topics we covered were varied across the board.

I’ll be honest, some of the topics are a bit horrifying and I still have to sit with them a bit…

… but one topic in particular I really wanted to share with you now.

It’s about bees!

Of course there are things we all know about bees, such as:

  • Bees are glorious little pollinators that our entire environment depends on.
  • Even just being near them, surrounded by their buzzing, is a healing frequency for us!
  • There are many pesticides and herbicides that harm our bees (and other pollinators) and we really shouldn’t use them.
  • And bees produce things that are just flat out miraculous.

Now, most people know of honey, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

I’m specifically talking about bee pollen, propolis, and glucose oxidase.

I’ve used all of these, I’ve used them with my patients, but even I didn’t know just how impactful they really are.

For instance, when we take these as supplements (as a tincture, glycerite, capsule, powder, whatever), they show what is called “hive intelligence.”

Ok, so you know what a hive is and can imagine what hive intelligence could look like.

But imagine you take your glucose oxidase or propolis, and in your blood they start swarming the venom or macrophage.

They know this foreign thing is harmful and shouldn’t be there.

They surround it, they completely demolish it (as in eliminate it, for you).

To me, that is truly an example of nature’s intelligence.

But as if that isn’t enough, there are even more health benefits!

Looking at bee pollen, it:

  • is full of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, enzymes, etc
  • has antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral agents
  • can reduce inflammation (and by that action can help balance cholesterol)
  • supports your immune system
  • strengthen the capillaries
  • supports brain health

Also, from what I’ve seen and read, bee pollen can be very healthy even for people that have allergies, to the point that it can help against allergies.

I get bee pollen from Mountain Rose Herbs, here.

Looking at bee propolis, it:

  • contains everything from amino acids to polyphenols, sesquiterpene quinines to coumarins
  • helps combat cancer
  • helps against cold sores
  • treats yeast issues (anti fungal)
  • can prevent or shorten the common cold or sore throats
  • fights parasites
  • may improve fertility in women
  • supports your immune system

I get bee propolis from HawaiiPharm here.

And looking at glucose oxidase, it:

  • takes glucose in your blood stream and turns it into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide          • energy production on a cellular level
    • fighting pathogens
  • has antibacterial properties
  • is an antioxidant
  • considered a super enzyme
  • regulates immune response

I get Glucose Oxidase from Global Healing, here.

This is the only Glucose Oxidase I use, as they combined it with raw bee pollen and raw honey, so all sorts of good things in one go!

Especially since raw honey is a source of glucose oxidase, it ensures it comes with all the needed accompanying nutrients in one go.

Now, all three – bee pollen, bee propolis, glucose oxidase – have many healing powers, more than what I listed above.

As usual, how/where it’s sourced matters, hence the above listed companies are my personal and professional choice.

I also hope that this let’s all of us think about how important bees are, and that we’ll take steps to help protect them.

That includes everything from planting flowers they love to ensuring we don’t use pesticides / herbicides that harm them.

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