Sometimes it’s nice to just sit back, relax, and be in the moment.

Now, how about we combine that with something healthy that will relax you even more?

I’m talking about epsom salt foot baths.

When is the last time you did one?

The magnesium in the epsom salt can help regulate inflammation, and will decrease pain caused by that inflammation.

It’ll also help you lower stress levels and just feel a little better again.

Personally, I like doing my foot bath outside (weather permitting).

It just adds more healing with the sunshine and fresh air.

These foot baths can also help against fungal infections and help with splinter removal by softening the skin.

And along with your foot bath, you now have the time to read, meditate, or just breathe.

Are you starting to be convinced yet that this is a good idea? Excellent.

So what you want to do is:

  • fill a basin with water (temperature as per your liking) so your feet will be fully covered
  • add 1/2 – 1 cup of epsom salt
  • let the salt dissolve
  • soak for 10-20 minutes

You may have noticed I didn’t say you should add essential oils…

That’s because I like to take this epsom salt water afterwards and water my plants with it.

The epsom salt is good for them, too.

If you won’t be watering anything afterwards, you certainly can add whatever essential oil you like best (my favorite is peppermint).

But we’re not done yet.

Here is a really important step that a lot of people don’t do very well!

Dry your feet properly.

Seriously, take the time to dry the whole foot, including between the toes.

Now, another important step is to then moisturize your feet.

I like using a little bit of coconut oil mixed with an essential oil.

The coconut oil is antimicrobial and adds needed moisture to your skin…

and the essential oil you choose can help wake up tired feet (peppermint) or help calm you (lavender) and so forth.

Now, how about you take a little time out of your day and take a nice epsom salt foot bath?