In today’s toxic, stressful world, there are tools that I have found to be a huge help to achieve better health.
I’ve thought about this for a while…
… why would we need anything beyond what we can do within ourselves, with nature…
… isn’t that what I do? Help people heal the natural way?
Well, the tools I will explain still work with our nature, how the body was meant to be able to function.
But, the world we live in now is not what our bodies are so beautifully adapted for.
For example, there are so many toxins around us that should have never been made.
These are chemicals that are sprayed on our food, are now in our ground water…
• all the plastics that are made, which now show up as microplastics in our bodies
• pesticides sprayed on conventional cotton so that non-organic cotton clothes and bed sheets and towels contain toxins…
• … let alone all the plastic clothes (polyester, nylon, acrylic…)
• chemicals that food is wrapped in (actual plastic wrappers, as well as what they spray on it to “preserve” it and you can’t wash off)
• basically the majority of products and items we use on a daily basis
And that’s just the chemical side.
But let’s not forget about the toxic burden of:
– EMFs
– too much sitting
– the mental stress of being too available at all times (that’s what screens do to our brains)
– abnormal lighting (also screen time, as well as the energy efficient light bulbs)
I’m getting away from my point though: there are tools that we need at this point to deal with these abnormal environments.
The first one I want to focus on are vibration plates!
Ideally, we would move our bodies a lot throughout the day.
Walking is what the human body is best at (not sitting, not standing…), walking!
The tricky part is, we have to move the body throughout the day, not just one big exercise push for half an hour or more.
I fall into this trap, too.
Right now, I’m sitting to write this.
I also have to sit to write care plans for my patients, when I do nutrition or EFT appointments, when I research and further my knowledge, etc.
There are many reasons to sit, and in today’s society we can’t erase that very well.
So there are things I do to make sure I don’t sit for an hour solid…
… like making myself go downstairs to get a glass of water (instead of bringing it upstairs with me)…
… or randomly walking through the entire house, just to move more (including going up and down the steps repeatedly for no other reason than to move).
So why the vibration plate?
Vibration plates support our health and movement by:
– moving lymph
– activating stabilization muscles in the spine
– supporting metabolism
– reducing stress
– potentially increasing serotonin levels (the “happiness” molecule)
– improving core strength
– promoting healthy circulation
– strengthening joints
– potentially decreasing back or joint pain
– working muscles more efficiently because of the multiple planes of movement (depending on the brand and what that plate can do)
And of course, by supporting lymph and circulation and muscles we are also supporting the body’s ability to detox and improve immune function.
The one I use is automatically set for 10 minutes when I turn it on.
10 minutes is a doable timeframe, right?
Sometimes I just stand on it, feeling circulation reach different areas.
Or I gently move, feeling into it, where am I experiencing tension to then release it.
And, I do workouts with it, because the vibration adds a whole new layer of stabilization to it.
Originally, I got a vibration plate to help rehabilitate my ankle, and that worked great!
And now, even when I do go hiking, at some point that day I’ll still get on the vibration plate.
There are many options for vibration plates, and the one I use is the Rumblex 4D Vibration Plate from lifepro.
What I looked for with a vibration plate is:
– multiple planes of movement – lateral, oscillating, pulsing, and all at the same time
– for it to not be overly loud (yes you can hear it, but there are some louder versions out there)
– that it has good stability so I can work out with it
– and I can pick it up easily and move it to a different part of the room
I do like that lifepro also gives you a library of workouts, in case you get stuck on how to progress or give you new ideas for your body movement.
Big picture, I think the versatility of vibration plates make them a really excellent tool to add (not that this negates the need for walking etc).
So, I bet you can guess what I’m going to do right after I finish writing this… how will you move your body after reading it?