It’s that time of year where my kitchen starts looking like a witch’s kitchen.

Herbs are hanging and laying all over the place to dry.

And I’ve had various people comment that they wish they could do that…

… grow their own herbs.

… use herbs for their health.

And you know what? It does not need to be difficult.

The one thing that’s a must is for them to be organic!

Beyond that, there is lots of wiggle room.

You can grow herbs out in your garden or in pots indoors and outdoors.

And in terms of using your homegrown herbs?

One of my favorite things is making tea with them!

And depending on the herb, you can also add them fresh or dried to your cooking!

You can also consider making tinctures or infusing oils, if you want.

As far as which herbs to start with, which ones are your favorite?

For instance, we definitely grow mint because it is one of my favorites…

… but that’s me, my brother can’t stand it (so you won’t find it in his garden).

Mint is great for the digestive system, can help against headaches, is a natural anti-fungal, and helps with respiratory infections.

Some other lovely herbal options are:

Sage, which is great for sore throats, as a nerve tonic, is supportive for hormone balance, and is great for digestion.

While I do like this as a tea, we also like harvesting the leaves and frying them up in some coconut oil, adding salt, and just eating them!

Rosemary supports circulation, aids in recovery from long term stress, can ease achy muscles, and is an antioxidant.

I also like using it for my hair as a rinse. Rosemary is great for hair!

Oregano is great against bacterial / fungal / viral infections, is an antioxidant, and is an anti-inflammatory.

It also tastes great fresh on a salad!

Actually, all of these herbs have many more health properties than what I’m mentioning.

So I do recommend considering buying some books about herbs (there is no single book that covers everything…).

A couple of herbal books to consider:

“Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine” by Andrew Chevallier

“Medicinal Herbs” by Rosemary Gladstar

“Wild Remedies” by Rosalee De La Forte and Emily Han

“The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies” by Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis


Even just having one potted herb indoors is a great start!

Our rosemary is potted and indoors in the winter, outdoors in the summer.

Also, if you don’t want to grow herbs but want to use them, I like Mountain Rose Herbs for the herbs I don’t have in my garden.

Here’s the link to Mountain Rose Herbs:

So which herbs resonate with you?


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