The most common question I get is about what foods we are supposed to eat.
What we eat, and when, is one of the most important considerations for your health.
And there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
While there are some ground rules based on human physiology…
… personal biochemistry and ancestry play a huge role and make it very individualistic.
This is why you’ll have heard of people miraculously healing by going vegan…
… by going carnivore… pagan… paleo… vegetarian… keto…
These options are total opposites, and yet, they’ve all healed people from the brink of death.
So what is the right way to go?
Let’s look at the basics first:
- Before refrigerators and grocery stores, the 4 seasons dictated our food options
- This makes diet variation a natural part of life, and is absolutely vital for health
- If your ancestors weren’t exposed to a certain food at least 500 years ago, it increases your chances of not doing well with that given food
- If you eat one food all the time (daily, repeatedly) your body can build up an inflammatory response to it (and you can heal from that, outside of grains, which have their own set of issues)
- Sugar is toxic, it creates a whole slew of health issues and is best avoided
Now, if you look at the first two points, that explains a lot about why both vegan and carnivore have led to incredible healing.
But I do need to note that both of these, in nature, would be for a temporary amount of time, not forever.
In fact, it is people who follow vegan eating for years that are the hardest to help get healthy (assuming they continue being vegan).
But I’ve also seen the vegan diet help people heal when it was used as a therapeutic approach for a temporary time period.
It is a very personal choice in how you choose to nourish yourself.
But there are a few considerations that hold true for everyone:
- eat organic
- no GMO
- no pesticides/herbicides
- no antibiotics / hormones
- no synthetics, dyes, or additives
- avoid / limit processed and packaged food
The goal is to eat real food.
Real food doesn’t just keep you alive, it connects you with your environment.
Real food nourishes and heals you.
Also, you’ll want to make sure you are chewing food. Chewing is a really important component that impacts far more than just eating and digesting.
And don’t fall for the “health food” label trap.
There are foods that are considered to be super healthy foods.
But a lot of those foods, such as tomatoes, squash, cashews, chia seeds, even avocado, are not good for every person. Its person specific.
This goes back to listen to your body!
And when it comes to packaged foods, those labels claiming all sorts of health benefits…
… really read those ingredients. Often a lot of chemicals are added to make up for the one ingredient they say isn’t in there. That’s never a good way to go.
So the basic guidelines to get you started are:
- eat with the seasons
- variation, variation, variation
- listen to your body (your needs will change)
- don’t fall for the “health food” label trap (especially if it comes in a box)