What is Your Body Saying

You know in our appointments I ask all sorts of questions about your health.

From the day to day stuff to the big stuff that you came to me for.

All of those things, and everything in between, are your body speaking to you.

Every single symptom is your body telling you about what’s going on. What she is needing. What she would rather not be exposed to.

I know in our society, symptoms are considered bad.

Pain is seen as unacceptable (hence all the different pain killers out there, each one being a literal “pick your poison” deal).

Now, trust me, I know symptoms can be rough. I know how horrible pain can be.

But it’s important to understand that those are all the ways in which your body is talking to you.

Think about it this way: you know when you’re tired in the evening, that is your body telling you that you need to go to bed. You know the “symptom” for needing to relieve your bladder. You even know the “symptom” for needing a drink of water.

Some symptoms are a form of motivation:

If you never got hungry, never got tired, never got the urge to pee, you would guaranteed not be taking very good care of those needs.

Heck, even with those urges we don’t always do a good job.

Your body is doing a ton of work for you 24/7, the majority of which you will never be aware of.

That’s why those “symptoms” are needed so you know something is going on.

Symptoms are not the body malfunctioning. Your body isn’t fighting against you.

Your body is trying to talk to you. Your body is asking for help.

The good news is, when it comes to symptoms other than being tired and needing to pee, the best approach is prevention!

All those varied health issues, from weight gain, sleep issues, mood problems, menstrual issues, infertility, cancer, headaches, constipation, and everything else, are your body talking to you.

And that’s where all of your healthy habits come in, because that’s how you keep your body in balance and healthy, or regain your health, as it were.

If there is no issue, your body doesn’t have to alert you. If your body doesn’t have to alert you, you don’t experience symptoms.

Granted, symptoms aren’t always clear and straight forward and that’s because health is multi-faceted (which is also when appointments come in handy, to figure it out).

But, understanding it’s never your body fighting you, I hope it let’s you view your health and any symptoms differently.

Now, with this in mind, which healthy habits are you doing that are helping you the most?

Or are there any healthy habits you need to pick up again?

Wave goodbye to stress and hello to better health!

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