Your Body Knows How to Heal

For the umpteenth time, not directed at anyone in particular, the human body is incredibly smart and knows how to heal!

She does not randomly decide to “fight against herself/you.”

Having a cycle that is disruptive and painful is 100% not normal, and again, it’s not your body choosing to rampage against you.

Side note: “normal” and “typical” are not interchangeable. Symptoms may become prevalent in a society so that they are typical, but those symptoms are not normal.

Symptoms are always your body telling you something is up, and something needs to be done.

Even menopause as we know it in this society is not normal.

For example, the hormonal changes that occur in women (during what we call menopause) are natural and healthy.

The symptoms many women experience with it are not natural and healthy.

There are tribes that don’t even have a word for menopause.

Why? Because that hormonal shift naturally and normally happens without symptoms.

Sadly, typically, there are so many disrupters in modern day life that leads to the many symptoms being associated with menopause (and any other dysfunction of a natural processes).

Same goes with pregnancy.

The typical symptom of morning sickness is not normal, but they are so typical that when women don’t experience it people get concerned.

I’m not kidding, I’ve heard from plenty of women that they were told that morning sickness means the baby is healthy…

Now, back to the initial premise – the human body is incredibly smart!

Then why do we experience all these issues of autoimmune diseases, menopause, menstrual issues, pregnancy difficulties (or infertility), etc…?

And the same question applies for why do men struggle with prostate issues, ED, and so forth.

It all comes back to my usual topics of:

• environmental toxins
• nutrient deficiencies
• stress (emotional / mental / physical)
• lack of social connection
• lack of movement

When we consider that PFAS are found in period underwear, baking parchment, bandaids, artificial turf, plastic food containers, firefighting equipment, facial tissues, diapers, toilet paper, etc…

…and just this one group of forever chemicals (PFAS) alone can harm:

• kidneys
• heart
• reproductive organs
• contribute to cancer
• suppress the immune system
• obesity, etc…

… and then we think about how many other chemical toxins are used in daily products, and are sprayed on our food, and are put in products we use on and in our bodies…

Considering all of this, is it really the body that is dysfunctional?

Well let me tell you, it’s not the body that’s screwing up at all.

Because when we work on removing these toxins from our environment (and preferably get corporations to stop using them to begin with)…

… and we then support the body in detoxification, and actually nourish the body again…

… all those symptoms can reverse.

I’m solidly on the side of what the body created the body can uncreate (heal), given we provide the right environment.

And no, symptoms do not indicate a deficiency of ibuprofen, statins, or any other drug.

Those symptoms being covered up are actually your body screaming for help.

And covering up those symptoms doesn’t make the actual issue go away.

All of this to say: your body is so smart, you can heal, there are simple steps you can choose to start today to head you in the right direction!

Chances are, you already are taking some healthy steps, keep it up!!! (I know I can say this because this newsletter is only sent to my patients 😉

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