Did you know “fragrances” are toxic?

I’m talking about that little “ingredient” in shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, scented candles, scented diapers, dryer sheets, cleaning products, perfume, soaps, deodorants, pads, etc…

When you consider how much these items are used…

How many of these items are in direct contact with our skin…

How we inhale these fragrances all the time when we use those products…

It’s easy to see how even small amounts can build up and lead to big problems.

“Fragrances” can contain chemicals that are:

  • Carcinogens
  • Respiratory toxicants
  • Hormone disrupters
  • Reproductive toxicants
  • Aquatic toxicants (as in, can harm/kill marine life)
  • Neurological toxicants
  • Harmful to the immune system
  • Harmful to skin

Phthalates, for instance, can hide behind the label “fragrance.”

Phthalates can lead to health issues such as:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Increased breast cancer risk
  • Linked to obesity
  • Diabetes
  • ADHD

You see how these chemicals are a big problem for our health?

Is it starting to make more sense that so many people have health issues?

And when these chemical toxins persist in our day to day, can you see how trying to make forward progress is a losing battle?

While there are many more toxins to consider and eliminate from our lives, this is a good starting point.

And we certainly don’t need to feel overwhelmed by how many possible sources there are.

Start with items that seem most doable, and slowly work your way through the house.

Don’t worry about sources you can’t handle.

Focus on the toxin sources you can handle!


Want to Learn How to Handle Toxins?