Right now is a beautiful season of growth and renewal. My garden is overflowing with all sorts of herbs that I use daily.

Growing your own herbs and foods is good for several reasons: 

  1. Your food is meant to inform your body about your environment. Consuming foods that are actually from your immediate environment enhances this process greatly. 
  2. You get to feel more connected to the earth, and it’s always a great feeling to reap the benefits of your effort. 
  3. All of these herbs have incredible healing powers. Nature really does want to take care of us. 
  4. Home-grown tastes so much better than anything you can find at a store. 

The herbs that are flourishing without any extra effort in my garden include oregano, chives, chamomile, thyme, peppermint, and basil. 

I don’t expect you to go get all of these at once. Pick the ones that resonate with you the most, go buy the seeds or plants, and start enjoying.

And of course, make sure it’s all organic!

Benefits of herbs: 


  • supports your immune system
  • relieves allergy symptoms
  • fights inflammation
  • supports your body against bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral issues


  • reduce inflammation
  • support digestion
  • anti-cancer properties 
  • supports your immune system
  • good source of choline (needed for brain function and liver health)


Store-bought chamomile (tea for instance) does not resemble what you would be growing in your garden. The home-grown kind has an incredible scent and delicate flavor. Ever since my own chamomile I can never go back to the stuff from the store… 

  • improves skin rashes and eczema 
  • great for digestive health
  • supports sleep
  • helps against PMS symptoms
  • fights anxiety and depression
  • may help relive allergies 


  • skin support
  • relieves insomnia 
  • fights infections
  • supports your immune system
  • aids digestion


  • improves energy levels
  • supports mental focus
  • soothes digestive issues
  • releases tight muscles
  • relieves headaches 
  • promotes respiratory cleansing 

Basil (not to be confused with holy basil): 

  • reduces inflammation
  • may balance adrenal hormones 
  • relieves congestion
  • anti-bacterial properties 
  • heals free radical damage 

With all of these, I am specifically talking about the herbs. While I love essential oils and I have talked about them before, here I really want to nudge you towards growing some of your own herbs.

You can grow them in your garden, in pots on your patio, on your windowsill, whatever works best for you! 

Just add some of your home-grown herbs to your cooking, salad, or smoothies and enjoy the benefits. 

You do have the option to dry these herbs to keep them longer, or even freezing them. Some of my herbs just go overboard, so by the fall my kitchen looks hilarious with all of the drying herbs hanging around. 

As with all foods, if there is one you know you’re allergic to or just don’t like, then don’t use that one and pick another one. Other than that, enjoy! 

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